An Even Ten has Moved
Check out my new photolog here.
Borderline Obsessive Compulsive?
Love songs are great, but there is something so delightful in the giddyness of a crush song. I love this song from Mandy Moore's latest album. With a lilting melody, sweet acoustic accompaniment, and lovely lyrics, it's definitely worth 99 cents. I think I've listened to it at least five times today alone!
Trying to find one more moment
Before we open our eyes.
Give me something more from this ocean,
That kiss that we don't have to hide.
I hold you the way I handle my heart:
Quietly guarded, and still
I'm swept away.
You allow me your sweet surrender
Through a page of old poetry
That I may have never discovered,
But you read it like it was waiting for me.
You smile with your eyes before it reaches your mouth.
Quietly guarded, and still
I'm swept away.
Like a stone that gets lost in the tide.
Swept away, and I'm fighting to stay on your side.
Alone I am fine and then you walk in and I cave,
And I'm swept away.
I took your hand with immediate comfort;
I took your friendship right to my heart.
Caught up in that feeling I searched for,
And I hardly know who you are.
I'm holding on tight in the midst of this wind,
Trying so hard to stand still.
I'm swept away.
Like a stone that gets lost in the tide.
Swept away, and I'm fighting to stay on your side.
Alone I am fine and then you arrive and I cave,
And I'm swept away.
I'm a sensitive heart that exists in hope above fear,
And the weight of your words carry just what I need to hear.
My questions are starting to settle,
And the ocean is calm once again.
But I'm swept away.
Like a stone that gets lost in the tide.
Swept away, and I'm fighting to stay on your side.
Alone I am fine and then you walk in and I cave,
And I'm swept away.
(M. Moore, L. McKenna)
Posted by Heather at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Holy cow, am I excited! I bought one of these from Lomographic Society International yesterday! I can't wait for it to arrive so I can play with it...and post the results!
10 subjects I want to capture with my new camera:
1. ACBA students in their workshops
2. Family gathering for Thanksgiving
3. Bonnie and Ariel
4. Park Circle
5. Community Group girls
6. Choir concert and Christmas party on 12/11
7. Christmas light display at James Island County Park
8. Bridges
9. The Navy Yard: leaning trees on Noisette Boulevard, palmettos and telephone poles on Virginia Avenue, storehouses, trains and train tracks
10. Seattle
Posted by Heather at 12:47 PM 8 comments
joy glimmers behind rested eyes,
the soul is flecked,
star-specked with glimmers of His presence,
drizzled with peace,
stuffed full of the Word of God
[dwelling richly]
animated by the fluid dynamics
of zoe in bios
of spirit in visceral
of Shekinah in clay
desperation gnaws at pale hours;
the cistern walls gleam wet
and sand sinks beneath weary feet.
thorn in side aches,
and the rooster’s cry still echoes.
hands bound before us,
the moonless night drives to wailing.
eleven brothers mock us,
and our weeping father is far away.
deliverance is a leak in the dam.
the coming footsteps which make desert sand shudder.
a burial cave quakes,
throwing captors to the dew-damp soil.
manacles clatter to many prison floors,
and light appears just beyond the guarded door.
the Word is uttered,
and raging lake storms die rattling deaths.
it is for freedom you have been set free.
draw back the curtains,
wash the hazy windows,
and search the eastern sky;
behold, a white horse,
whose Rider is called Faithful and True
who judges and make war in righteousness,
whose eyes are a flame of fire
and on whose head are many crowns.
The name written on Him is known by no one but Him.
He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called
the Word of God.
Meredith Allen
Posted by Heather at 7:13 AM 0 comments
I've neglected my blog because I was so sick last week! I got an awful cold that left me stuffy and exhausted and I stayed in bed most of the week. So...
Mommy's surgery went very well! She even got to come home that same afternoon! She has been (mostly) taking it easy around the house, and I think she was glad to have some company last week (though sad that it was due to my being sick). True to her character, she has already declared herself recovered and wants to rush back to doing everything!Last weekend I went on a retreat with my girlfriends from my Community Group. Our beach lodging fell through, so we ended up going to the mountains. I was delighted at the change of plans! We stayed in a cabin in the little town of Saluda, North Carolina. The weather was perfect - cool, crisp, and sunny. We hiked to a waterfall, perused the shops, swapped stories and talents, sang songs, cooked pancakes, watched a movie, and laughed a ton! It was great getting to know these girls better - I'm excited to see these friendships develop.
Catherine and I have decided to share an apartment. I stayed with her for a week (a couple weeks ago) to see how we get along under the same roof. It went so well! We both feel really good about becoming roommates, and living in West Ashley will be so convenient for me. So we'll make the move at the end of January. The most blissful part is how close Catherine and I are becoming, even over so short a time. I've missed having a close girlfriend around, and I think she and I are destined to be dear friends.
In less consequential news...
New music purchases include Colbie Caillat, Coco and Mandy Moore, Wild Hope and Season 4 of Project Runway premieres Wednesday!
Posted by Heather at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Italic = Seen it! Woohoo!
1. Across the Universe (9/14)
2. The Darjeeling Limited (9/29)
3. Lars and the Real Girl (10/12)
4. Dan in Real Life (10/26)
5. Martian Child (11/2)
6. Fred Claus (11/9)
7. Margot at the Wedding (11/16)
8. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (11/16)
9. August Rush (11/21)
10. The Golden Compass (12/7)
and...11. The Polar Express, IMAX 3D (11/23)
Posted by Heather at 12:28 PM 3 comments
I'm not very good at looking menacing (except here), but maybe you'll get the idea...
Posted by Heather at 9:05 PM 2 comments