It's Been Awhile
I've neglected my blog because I was so sick last week! I got an awful cold that left me stuffy and exhausted and I stayed in bed most of the week. So...
Mommy's surgery went very well! She even got to come home that same afternoon! She has been (mostly) taking it easy around the house, and I think she was glad to have some company last week (though sad that it was due to my being sick). True to her character, she has already declared herself recovered and wants to rush back to doing everything!Last weekend I went on a retreat with my girlfriends from my Community Group. Our beach lodging fell through, so we ended up going to the mountains. I was delighted at the change of plans! We stayed in a cabin in the little town of Saluda, North Carolina. The weather was perfect - cool, crisp, and sunny. We hiked to a waterfall, perused the shops, swapped stories and talents, sang songs, cooked pancakes, watched a movie, and laughed a ton! It was great getting to know these girls better - I'm excited to see these friendships develop.
Catherine and I have decided to share an apartment. I stayed with her for a week (a couple weeks ago) to see how we get along under the same roof. It went so well! We both feel really good about becoming roommates, and living in West Ashley will be so convenient for me. So we'll make the move at the end of January. The most blissful part is how close Catherine and I are becoming, even over so short a time. I've missed having a close girlfriend around, and I think she and I are destined to be dear friends.
In less consequential news...
New music purchases include Colbie Caillat, Coco and Mandy Moore, Wild Hope and Season 4 of Project Runway premieres Wednesday!
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